Protection for the whole family

How can group term life insurance protect your family’s future?

Life insurance offered by [Association Name] from New York Life don’t just benefit you as a member. They can provide coverage for your whole family—you (the member), your spouse and your children—whether there’s one or eight. So in the event of an unexpected death, your family’s finances can still be secure.

The more family members with group term life insurance, the greater the protection. There are many powerful reasons to add coverage for family members. Covering your spouse could provide for income replacement and payment of final expenses and debts such as credit card bills. And covering your children may help them build a history of insurability, and if they should die unexpectedly, pay off college loans and co-signed credit bills. That’s financial security for the entire family.

Now your whole family has protection designed to fit your budget

  • Coverage for member and spouse, including domestic partner
  • Coverage for each child (from one to eight – or more) at a single cost
  • Adding child coverage helps to build a record of insurability for your child – without a medical exam or questions

Term Life Insurance is different. As one of the most popular types of life insurance, term provides distinct advantages for your family. You can pick your term, or length of coverage, depending upon your specific needs. You can increase or decrease the face amount according to policy guidelines. [Association Name] [ART, 10YLT, 20 YLT] can be issued for adults age [xx to xx] and lasts through age [xxx]. Children can be insured typically from birth up to age [xx], depending upon specific status like student, married or military.

Cover your whole family—one person at a time.
[Association name plan] underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company can help protect your entire family’s financial future. You can begin by getting coverage for yourself and add family members as your situation changes.1

To find out more including features, costs, eligibility, renewability, limitations, and exclusions about group term life insurance contact:
[Association Name]


This information is courtesy of New York Life Insurance Company, used with permission. It is intended exclusively for general information only.