Top 10 Summer Learning Tips from Boys & Girls Clubs

School may be out for summer, but Clubs are open! Every summer, nearly 43 million youth in America miss out on critical learning opportunities that can prevent them from falling behind in school. Most young people lose two months’ worth of math skills during this critical time period. And, more than half of the achievement gap between lower- and higher-income youth can be explained by unequal access to summer learning opportunities.

The good news? You don’t need homework and worksheets to keep kids learning during summer months! Spending time together doing “stuff” is one of the best ways to combat summer slide in academics. Everyday tasks, like cooking a meal together, or low-cost activities like game night or visiting your local library can offer countless ways to connect with young people and help them practice math and reading skills. Click here for a few easy tips on how to keep your kids engaged and learning this summer.

New York Life Foundation and Boys & Girls Clubs of America have partnered for over 20 years on building a world where every young person has the tools and supports to achieve their full potential. Clubs ensure young people, especially those who need us most, graduate from high school on time with a plan for the future. Learn more about the work we’re doing together on social and emotional resilience at or contact us at